Is the NHS working? My daughter went in with acute abdominal pain of unexplained origin last night.
All ambulances tied up outside. A&E packed.
Staff stressed but ultimately making excuses for the 2-3 day wait that the numbers suggested it might be to see someone.
No doctor ever came. Had to come home. Daughter may or may not be OK.
It's not that it *could* be you, with something more serious. It's that, sooner or later, it *will* be you.
Do something positive. Vote the #toriesout
@JanPV Totally agree. We must always remember that the Tories caused this crisis by constantly underfunding #OurNHS. It's not NHS failure. They've been failed. I fear for my life if it goes. I'm T2 diabetic and need regular meds. This could also be you. #uninsurable
@JanPV oh wow how is your daughter now?
@BetsyBeeee Better for the moment but still has a pain that we're now trying to check through the out-of-hours GP service. It seems we have to bang our heads against several hard walls before someone helps.
@JanPV that's so awful. I hope someone sees her soon.
@BetsyBeeee Thank you. We can be sure she will never vote Tory after this episode, though there was zero chance of that previously, anyway!
The problem is who to vote for!
The Labour party under Starmer are resolutely pro Brexit (don't ask me why!) and have absolutely ruled out rejoining the EU or even restoring freedom of movement which is about the only thing that could possibly help the NHS along with farmers and many other industries that used to rely on EU workers!
Starmer's going to destroy the country completely just to appease a few bigoted fuckwits in the red-wall constituencies - the man's a fückin moron!
@Paulos_the_fog I regrettably have to agree. In Wales, we do have Plaid Cymru. But I guess in England, you have Lib Dems and in Scotland, the SNP.
Even if Starmer tries to fix things, he seems to be approaching it from a very strange angle, is accepting big business interest cash and will almost certainly fail to make any real change. This will open the door to a revitalised, eye-swivelling Tory party recapturing the country later on.
@JanPV @Paulos_the_fog whilst… yes… Labour would still be better. A tiny percent better is still better.
@Wifiwits Yes, I get it. The worry is that Starmer has too much to cope with in undoing the Tories' damage, and that he is anyway more inclined to the right than the left. I think the post-Starmer period may well be uglier than we've seen over the past few years.
@JanPV it really is such a terrible mess isn’t it.
@Wifiwits It is. I often think it's the last spluttering moments of the post-WW2 settlement that stopped working a long time ago. The problem is that the solution is seen to be lurching to the right, which will only harm the population even more. Probably much more.
@JanPV I can't help vote the Tories out since I'm in California. But I hope your daughter finds the care she needs and comes through this OK.
@jeridansky Thanks! She is beginning to be recognised as a bit of an urgent case, with more blood tests taken and a CT scan booked. It's the lottery of who you see, and how much they care. Sadly, all too often, they don't care at all.
@JanPV it isn't working. Mentally, in that kind of superhighstress job, you adapt to fit, to an extreme not understandable if you haven't done it. So, staff also problem, but cause is as stated. In the end, the #nhs is bulk-buying, of health care. If the tories think bulk-purchasing is wrong, why don't they ban multipacks?