Here’s an interesting “last mile” thing that’s often over-looked. When you park your bike at the bike parking station in downtown Eindhoven, you can pick up a free baby stroller for walking around with your child!
@JasonThorne that is what my miserable garage looks like. I will happily donate our collection of strollers to any last mile efforts.
@JasonThorne Brilliant and (once someone was imaginative enough to think of it) simple idea
@JasonThorne This is brilliant!
@JasonThorne We have free baby strollers as well; next to the mailboxes, blocking the fire escape! Oh... wait...
@JasonThorne could you pick up the floor polisher instead? Asking for a friend
Now that's classy.
@JasonThorne ditto in Utrecht and not to mention Cambridge, UK
@md @JasonThorne wow! Amazing. When I saw the photo at first, I didn't think of here in The Netherlands, but more like in Germany or Scandinavia.
Babies not included…