Our whole system was built on compromises with slavers, the filibuster was a result of a drafting error when Senate rules were consolidated in 1806, Marbury v Madison didn’t empower SCOTUS to overturn laws and when we built govs from scratch in Germany and Japan we went with parliamentary systems.
https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/10/youth-democracy-united-states-unique/680344/ #media #americanexceptionalism
(And 27% is what used to be known as The Crazification Factor)
@JoshuaHolland in terms of democracy people are better informed nowadays about alternative systems like proportional representation, and the limitations of the electoral college.
And socially the boom times for the US were when the wealthiest tax band was 85% to 95% which allowed investment in roads, railways, dams, infrastructure and Space Exploration. There were hardly any poor people.
When top rates of tax dropped to its current level, that was the end of the American dream.