My #Siberian #cat Siiri loves outdoor activities like climbing trees and hunting straws. She would love to hunt birds but I don't let her. #caturdayeveryday #CatsOfMastodon #suomimastodon #finland
@KissAnne What a difference in the two photos. On the left is the face of "Why are you leaving me out in the cold human?!?"
and photo on the right, "ohhhh.. birdies.."
@Rasta Haha she didn't want to go in so I had to take her in. I'm getting a flu and it was so cold out today. The wind was freezing.
@KissAnne so cute. We tried to go outside with our main coon girls but they are too afraid of everything... Somehow they prefer to stay inside.
@TheGymNerd I have taken my cats out for a walk every day since they were kittens. On that way they learnt. I think it's the only way but then they also ask to go out daily. I have to take them out or they are not happy. And they are already almost 11 years old.