Page proofs have arrived for my book: Nuclear Decisions, forthcoming this spring at Oxford University Press
I argue that leaders make political decisions that shape the course of state nuclear weapons programs. They make these decisions not just because of security.
Domestic experts in key scientific and military organizations - if conditions are right - may influence leaders’ beliefs and preferences about the value of nuclear weapons.
The structure and politics of the international system also shape the leader’s info environment. I identify 3 diffeeent proliferation eras in which states have been constrained or freed to pursue #nuclearweapons
There are 9 case studies to dig into:
South Korea
South Africa
I have many people to thank and wrote the acknowledgments with immense gratitude. Looking forward to the book’s release in a few months.
Add Argentina.
Brazil and Argentina were in 1983 a nuclear race, and they decided to stop and create the Mercosur.
That was under the presidencies of Alfonsin (Argentina) and Sarney (Brazil)