The Federal election has been announced.
Do your homework.
Ask tough questions of your candidates.
Watch for mis/disinformation and foreign interference.
Vote wisely.
Vote for Canada.
Our future and sovereignty depend on it.
The Federal election has been announced.
Do your homework.
Ask tough questions of your candidates.
Watch for mis/disinformation and foreign interference.
Vote wisely.
Vote for Canada.
Our future and sovereignty depend on it.
Congratulations to the Canada Reads winner!
Two-Spirit Journey by Ma-Nee Chacaby
Support your local bookstore and buy a copy.
Good to see this government funding announcement to strengthen 2SLGBTQI+ communities and invest in systemic changes.
Including an important project funded in Grande Prairie, Alberta!
Check out our latest peer-reviewed research article published in the International Journal of Transgender Health:
“I was lucky”: exploring the healthcare experiences of trans and non-binary youth in Alberta
Free access:
With a Federal Election soon to be called, it all comes down to who will best stand up to Trump and work to stabilize our economy.
This opinion piece offers some great questions we should all be asking to candidates who come knocking on our doors.
Attacks on transgender identity are really attacks on gender, bodily autonomy and freedom of expression.
Keep this in mind with a pending federal election and vote for the Canadian values that support diversity, equality and human rights.
The actions of the Edmonton Public Library are concerning & do not reflect the City of Edmonton’s commitment to diversity, equity and human rights.
The 2SLGBTQ+ community is an invisible minority. Pride symbols say you are welcome here.
Neutrality only favours the oppressor and maintains the status quo.
The Library Board needs to clarify what exactly is going on.
A great day of community building, solidarity, and advocacy in Saskatchewan. #NotGoingBack #ElbowsUp
An update on Bill 26 in Alberta. The legislation is NOT in effect so access to gender-affirmative care for minors can continue as it has been across the province.
We must never forget that attacks on the LGBTQ+ community are fundamentally attacks on democracy.
This now makes a full house at 105 Senators. I welcome my new colleagues who come from important and diverse backgrounds.
As we finally bring down interprovincial trade barriers for wine, beer and spirits, the Alberta Government will be punishing Albertans with a new wine tax.
This needs to be stopped NOW!
Barriers and internal taxes must be removed not added!! #abpoli
In light of the upcoming St. Albert city council vote to rename city-held "Grandin" named assets, I share this debate published in Alberta Views that I was involved in a few years ago.
I've lived in Grandin for most of my life. It's time to change the name as part of reconciliation and in the spirit of creating a more welcoming and inclusive community for everyone. We can't change the past, but we can build a more inclusive future.
Today, Premier Smith announced strong initial retaliatory measures.
Next, she must rescind her Trumpian anti-trans and anti-2SLGBTQ+ legislation.
Let’s truly bring our country, and all of our citizens, together and stand united for everything Canada believes in.
Ok, Canadians. You know what to do.
Tighten our belts.
Strengthen our resolve.
Show our unity.
Demonstrate our national pride.
Support our real allies.
Put Canada first forever and always.
Love your library because some people are trying to take it away.
In this defining moment in history, the free world is rising to support Ukraine against both Russia and the failure of the USA.
Democracy is in peril everywhere. United we must stand.
As we recognize the importance of Pink Shirt Day, let’s recommit and double our efforts to create safer and more respectful schools and communities for our youth.
This is especially important in Alberta, where schools and communities have been made less safe and more hostile for 2SLGBTQ+ youth because of the UCP government’s discriminatory anti-2SLGBTQ legislation.
This is not the Alberta that we should be building. Our province needs to celebrate diversity and difference not attack it.
Be warned. Hate can have costly consequences. You will be held responsible for your actions.