To those who were never #TikTok ers. This is why I/we were.
I am a librarian who works in Hazleton PA, yes, the Hazleton PA that made it in the news on election night because we were being watched very closely. You see the city I work in is 65% Spanish speaking in their home, in a county that is as purple as it gets. So we were going to turn the county one way or the other and well, we all know how that went. Rest in comments.
Continued from waaaay earlier but I had to earn the big bucks....
As I was saying. I found community in TikTok that I can't where I live. I found validation in the sameness of fellow feral Xennial women, library workers who feel worried every day they go to work they will be challenged or even have a job. I found Witchtok interesting, I got great tips on keeping my wild grey curls tame. I found a thousands with the same mutual loathing for the orange demon that shall not be named.