You can guess which way this man voted, can't you? He's enjoying this, he wanted to grab her pussy as well, but maybe somebody else will be unlucky.......who would stop him?
Gilead will disappear you, for the crime of not being a White American Male
This is what every Western nation secretly craves, to be able to lock up people without adequate due process, just to keep everyone in fear and submissive....
These women " took responsibility for their actions", when will the men who voted for Fascism do the same?
"We didn't think it would hurt US! Please, have sympathy for me, I lost my government job, think about ME!" - trump voter
"follow the rules, do as you are told and the American Dream can be yours"
"Where is your god now?"
The man who did this to you got into power thanks to the votes of Evangelicals, and they hate you for making a fuss about this. Being religious does not get you out of jail, who knew?
Armed gangs snatching women off the streets, but they're the 'wrong sort of women' so the TERFS will be looking away, not concerned with fellow sisters being abducted off the streets, they're not White enough.
That's White Feminism for you, if they do give a fuck it'll be over people like Mooney, only the White ones.
This just sounds like every tale of imprisonment from Fascist regimes I've seen, from Kardasssians to the September 11 coup in Chile, I'm recognising so much.
They do these things to break you, so you say you see five lights instead of four.
Proper Gilead vibes now, checking for 'breeding females' no doubt....
this is what awaits you when you visit Gilead.
Think you're tough?
How long could you last with this torture?
Imagine you came from a country trying to get into Trump's good fucked you would be......
Your freedom is an ICE officer's bonus, and we all know what Money is to the average American, it's their god.
If you don't value Money over Human Life, you ain't a full blooded Gileadian and should watch out....