Once again
Ghislaine Maxwell's trial findings prove Trump brutally raped 13-year-old virgins at his pal Epstein's #SexTrafficking underage girl parties. Maxwell has tapes.
when she & her family were threatened, she withdrew her case against trump. Sadly.
@MEActNOW ah it's this weird document again. It's worth checking out Snopes' fact check of this, it's been shared a lot and looks believable, but does not appear to be particularly genuine.
@MEActNOW This is a complaint, and it is only what the plaintiff alleges the defendant has done, it does not represent any finding of fact or any kind of verdict. I am not going to defend Trump but this misrepresents the court document.
@MEActNOW I would love to know that the tapes prove the allegations, though I’m not too keen to see them myself.