Apple has removed Meduza's main daily podcast at the request of Russian authorities
(if you understand Russian and haven't discovered it yet, the podcast is worth checking out)
#Russia #censorship #Apple #BigTech #platforms #commodon @politicalscience
@Marielle_W @politicalscience Is Apple still doing business in Russia? I’m puzzled what their incentive would be for following requests from the Russian authorities.
@anderspuck @politicalscience Yes and no: Apple suspended product sales (with e.g. iPhones now only available through shadow imports) and disabled Apple Pay (which, as far as I know, hasn't affected free services/apps available via its platforms). Somewhat similar situation with Google
@Marielle_W @politicalscience But if Apple are not making money from Russia, then why would they be so attentive to what Roskomnadzor wants? I just checked, and the podcast is also not available in Denmark.
@anderspuck @politicalscience That is, indeed, quite puzzling. I already wondered whether the removal was geographically limited or global (since Meduza did not specify thus point) - thanks for confirming that it appears restricted elsewhere as well