I'm not saying there's something wrong with my brain, but I just needed to mock up a UI for a demonstration, and my first thought was "boot my winXP vm and use visual basic 6"
I don't have the stock icons installed?
what kind of weirdo installs Visual Studio 6 without including all the icons and bmps?!
I'm not even sure what antivirus I should use on XP anymore.
okay I just ran malwarebyteslegacy and it flagged two exes as dangerous:
both are ones I compiled.
So either their ML engine is broked, or my compiler is trojaned.
I should compile a hello world C program, see if it gets flagged, and if so, then shove it into ghidra.
fellas, is it normal to compile hello world and then reverse engineer it just to see what your runtime is doing?
@foone Isn’t that essentially the entire idea behind godbolt’s compiler explorer?
@MenhirMike pretty much!