If I had the kind of unlimited disposable wealth that I always wanted, I would have a giant fish tank and pay people to maintain it for me. I am not one of those freaks who pretends to like fish to justify their tank maintenance obsessive compulsions.
@PatrickoftheG could you not just buy Lake Superior? you'd have all the fishes you could ever want, they look after themselves if you look after the environment, and it would *really* piss off Trump (as it seems the border goes right down the middle)
@PatrickoftheG I once read a book about keeping goldfish. You can keep goldfish in unaerated water as follows: one inch of goldfish length per each 10 square inches of water surface, and they will eat the algae that grows if the container is outside and do not require feeding - only perhaps occasional water change if they are "crowded". But if you don't feed them, nutrients don't really build up - algae use everything. If the "pond" freezes, the goldfish are fine; Japanese and UK goldfish ponds freeze every winter, no worry.
No unlimited wealth required! Enjoy yourself some water-gardening!