i haven’t fact checked all of this yet, but the links are in there
it seems Harris may have been unfairly maligned as transphobic, in the way BIPOC women get the blame for everything
she’s apologized for her mistake, and may in fact be the most pro-trans presidential candidate EVER
I think being able to evolve as a human in your understanding of others, is a remarkable quality to possess. Not everyone has it. I might not agree with everything she's done in her entire political career but she owns when she's wrong and that's big. Obama did the same thing on his stances too.
@ProfessorLoki she also is responsible for california being the first state to ban the trans panic defense, and pushed other states to do it too
and that's fucking huge
@tillybridges Oh for sure. It's going to be really interesting to see who she picks as a running mate.
She also called trans women "trans men" while doing so, and has never apologised for that that I could find.
I don't think she couldn't apologise for that or for opposing trans healthcare for prisoners (similar to how I do believe Biden genuinely regrets voting for anti-gay and anti-abortion shit 20 years ago), I just think she hasn't and a formulaic TDOV twitter post isn't an apology for all the damage she did to trans people and sex workers.
@SiteRelEnby @ProfessorLoki that could easily have just been a slip-up while speaking? like every human does that
talking about her actions is much more important than one verbal slip up one time
Other than an apology, how could we ensure her actions are louder than words? Maybe all of us could write to her. The old snail mail way. I know it's not much but maybe it'd actually do something positive in the long run. Her team is pretty responsive.
@ProfessorLoki @SiteRelEnby banning the trans panic defense sure was a good start
Yeah, good start in terms of "bare minimum" but I guess I just want to know, does she think it's trans men being murdered and that defence being used, or women?
Not saying it's never been used for a trans man, because I'd bet it has, but I'd also bet that's going to be like 0.1% of cases if so.
@ProfessorLoki @SiteRelEnby she does not. just read up on what she’s said and done. also this: