Mark Richardson of Housing Now TO giving deputation to Toronto council on how municipal "guidelines which are treated like they're cast in stone" are making affordable housing impossible.
#onpoli #topoli #housingcrisis #housing
some notable quotes in following toots:
"You want green buildings? Green buildings are big chonky boxes made outta wood. They're not Mayan pyramids, which is what the urban design guidelines require."
#onpoli #housingcrisis
"$20 billion dollar intersection in Forest Hill; somebody said that should be a 7-storey and 70-unit building in 2018. How...where did that number come from? Somebody picked that number. Because it "conformed to the current planning policy for Forest Hill" and somebody adjacent to the site had a backyard swimming pool. That can't be our priority in 2023."
#onpoli #housingcrisis