One way to stave off a #malthusian disaster is to reduce fecundity but all current political frameworks from #communism through #socialism, #liberalism, #capitalism to #farright ideologies are all focused on benefits gained through labour. To avoid a #geriatric holocaust we need to divorce economic progress from individuals' labour, foster self actualisation through art and other non labour focused human self expression so that even those who cannot / can no longer work can benefit. Any ideas?
I find this "solution" very problematic and stupid. There is no way to separate economic progress from labor because economic progress is directly tied to labor. Your proposal of reducing birth rates as a solution is Malthusian nonsense. The problem isn't the amount of people there are on earth, it's capitalism that exploit and oppress those people. There could be 500,000 people, but if those people continue to live in an exploitative system, their suffering will still continue.
@Radical_EgoCom it's not a "solution" that was implemented as a matter of "policy" (except in China where it spectacularly misfired), but something that is naturally occurring in many countries since people have had access to birth control. The result is an ageing population that CANNOT work. When less working people need to support more geriatrics, something's gotta give. And the only thing we CAN change is having the work that's needed to support it all done by technology, not people.