Simple question: Do you think capitalism should be abolished? Please explain why not if your answer is "no."
@Radical_EgoCom mas penso que "abolir" não é o melhor verbo, dá a entender que se pode superá-lo por decreto, num só gesto. O capitalismo, se puder ser vencido, deverá ser superado, por relações sociais de produção mais avançadas e livres de exploração.
That's not what the word "abolish" implies. Abolish means to formally put an end to something, capitalism in this case. It does not imply that the thing is to be "overcome by decree, in a single gesture."
@Radical_EgoCom I "voted" for the abolition, but this strugle is long, we know. Take the politic power, for instance, is almost nothing when we need to create new powers and social relations down here.