Whoever calls himself revolutionary and speaks of dictatorship is only an imbecile or a traitor.
-- Joseph Dejacque
Anyone who hears "dictatorship of the proletariat" and thinks it's counter-revolutionary is ignorant of Marxism and needs to educate themselves.
@Radical_EgoCom @anarchistquotes
el problema es que hasta ahora
lo único que hemos visto
ha sido siempre
solo la dictadura de fulano o zutano
That's not the way I see it. From what I've read of the Soviet Union and Cuba, to use just two examples, the state was truly a class dictatorship of the proletariat.
I would say the Soviet Union as well.
@Radical_EgoCom @anarchistquotes
NO desde el ascenso de Stalin en adelante
La definición, marxista , del regimen de la URSS corresponde a capitalismo de estado y eso explica la facilidad con que se convirtió en una oligarquía tradicional
The period of state capitalism, the NEP (New Economic Policy), only lasted from 1921 to 1928 and only existed to rebuild the Russian economy after the Civil War. After that, Stalin initiated the first of three five-year plans and the transition into socialism. The bureaucratic elite within the Soviet Union also can not be equivocated with a traditional oligarchy, which is a small group of individuals controlling the state, which wasn't the exact case in the Soviet Union.
if you see from a marxist point of view; all the period of the URSS was state capitalism.
Although we would like to think otherwise,
The Soviet Union had a planned economy, nationalized the means of production, and made extensive efforts to abolish capitalist class structures. It was not a perfect socialist system and experienced many deviations, but it was unequivocally a socialist state committed to socialist goals, and I am viewing this from a Marxist point of view.
But ownership, control of the means of production and surplus value belonged to the state,
this is what defines state capitalism,
in the light of history that contributed to its failure and transformation into oligarchys,
that's all
good evening friends