Features from #Bluesky, that I miss on #Threads & #Mastodon:
- Custom Feeds
- Starter Packs
- Labeler (I think)
- domain as handle
From Mastodon:
- verification via rel=me
- following hashtags
- author field in preview cards
- different apps, UIs
- advanced search
- grouped hashtags
- easy API
- how edits work
From Threads:
- notifications when sth. I shared is shared again
- the nice image carousel
- analytics
And you?
@mho some more features of Mastodon
# web app (no dedicated app needed)
# multipane (like Tweetdeck)
# multipane even on Smartphones (horizontal mode)
# listed accounts can be excluded from homefeed
# Hashtags can be blocked
Oh yes, thanks!
@mho some more a little creepy features on Mastodon I did not mention:
# caretaker who tell what to do
# governesses, tell how to do
# live feed (all servers)
Live feed can be a funny freak show if you set it to including pictures. Whereas live feed on small servers could be useful.
'Hashtags can be blocked'
Sure, but not only Hashtags. You can block Hashtags, Keywords, User and Domains.
@HailSatan @mho yes, but I guess the later is possible on most sm services.
Most sm services aren't decentralized. Sure, you can block user on most sm but specifically the possibility to block domains is pretty unique on Mastodon. I like the possibility to set filters.
And I guess the fact that blocking users was limited led to the last wave of emigration on Twitter.
What bothers me a little is the wide variety of Clients that look and act like the Twitter App. Like Tusky (never was able to login via Tusky) or it's Forks. Do the publishers think users are THAT stupid? Sure, you can use the Webinterface or my favourite Client Fedilab (ur an idiote, use Tusky instead) but most of the Clients are Twitter-Lookalikes.