i hope people realize that what elon musk is trying to do is pull a gigantic version of gamergate tactics; release only selective one-sided information that's otherwise innocuous, and misleadingly try to spin it as a conspiracy of sjws to suppress the 'free speech' of hateful bigots.
This was a repeated tactic by gamergate dipshits during the peak of that harassment campaign.
Instead of learn from gamergate, now twitter is essentially captured by the biggest grifters who pushed gamergate on us.
Harassment in tech, misinformation spread, bigotry & lack of diversity in tech - those important issues silicon valley made strides to resolve - the work people put in is now being systematically undermined & destroyed.
Thanks to a bigoted tech billionaire with too much power, and the irresponsible parties like Jack Dorsey who betrayed users & staff to let this mess happen.