Is having a woman on the Homeland Security Committee calling for a break up of the country just nuts? Is she that dense she doesn’t even realise what the committee even stands for? This is the best the GOP can do folks. #MarjorieTraitorGreene
@SpockResists She’s a friggin moron!
@Porpentina2017 @SpockResists She sees her homeland as the confederacy.
@Drdind @Porpentina2017 @SpockResists
Complete with slavery.
I think if we just divorced Margie from America... that would work best...
@tdwllms1 @Porpentina2017 @SpockResists As a liberal southerner, I don’t exactly want to move.
@SpockResists @Porpentina2017 @CherieAnne
Far easier to move one Margie out… than millions of people… or.. treat her like they do immigrants… don’t let her back in…
@SpockResists She's the perfect outcome example of red states defunding education for 4 decades.
Is having a woman on the Homeland Security Committee calling for a break up of the country just nuts? Is she that dense she doesn’t even realise what the committee even stands for? This is the best the GOP can do folks. #MarjorieTraitorGreene
Speaker of the House needs to answer these questions...
In what world is it acceptable to have MTG serve after caliing for Civil War?
Why did you give only FAUX News Jan 6 videos which are owned by the USA?
She's there to be a bomb-thrower. Along w/being seriously stupid & completely devoid of self-awareness.
@SpockResists She's a chaos agent and will say whatever inflammatory unhinged thing she needs to say to district the public eye from what the GOP is trying to get away with. Whether or not she believes any of it is beside the point.
Exactly. It is Agitprop.
You are spot on.
@SpockResists If I didn't know what a disaster for the Red States, I would say "Goodbye" The best is watching all these divide and become smaller states why should we be supporting those people. Seeing Texas divide into hundreds of states would be glorious, but I am NOT an amoral monster.
@SpockResists She’s not fit to work at a 7-11.
@SpockResists we should follow her husband's lead and divorce her
@SpockResists that traitorous twat is a menace to democracy
@SpockResists Also, why do all these MAGA types routinely wear the American Flag on their clothing? Too many stars.
@SpockResists Friends don’t let friends vote republican.
@SpockResists we need to stop right there and kick her off the committee. Hard stop. NO ..JUST STOP MAKE HER LEAVE THE ROOM. ALL THE REST ON THE COMMITTEE. MAKE HER LEAVE. DO YOUR JOB
Somehow, some way, the tide must be turned. Find a crack in their united goal of destroying the Republic. Jam in a lever and jump up and down on it until it cracks. The FN revelations might be that. Put quotes on billboards in red areas. Make 10 second ads with them streaming and run during sports events. Build a website with all the quotes scrolling like the Star Wars opening and post the link everywhere, including emails to their mailing lists.