In Vicenza, Veneto, a company called "Dyaqua" makes solarpanel roof tiles that look like the terracotta shingles that are common in the area. They are made from non-toxic and recyclable polymeric compounds that allows sunlight to pass through, while appearing like terracotta to the human eye.
(This is not sponsored or anything, I just think they are interesting.)
People are asking technical questions about the Dyaqua solar tiles, so here are some videos and the data sheet that might help answer some of them.
From Dyaqua:
Data Sheet:
@Spr1g nice. And certainly a product usable for applications like on the picture. 1kWp / 6sqm is not comparable to normal panels though, but thats obviously due to the cosmetic features.
Unfathomable horrors of future technology
@Spr1g ERM. If it really looks like that and still is supposed to have 16% efficiency something is off. Gut feeling is: somebody is scamming.
@Spr1g that's very cool.