Hey friendly bubble!
Who of you has attended the Øredev conference (https://oredev.org), ideally as a speaker, and can share their experiences with it?
I‘m invited to speak this year (feel very honored).
Any input appreciated, so I can finally make my decision.
@TonyBologni I have. What do you want to know?
@einarwh Any reasons not to speak? Everything I have seen / read looks very good.
@TonyBologni Oh ah no, my experiences have been very positive. It’s a nice and friendly conference. Enjoy the cold bath!
@TonyBologni Also congratulations on the invitation!
@TonyBologni Cool! Unfortunately won't be at DDD Europe this year. I was invited to speak at CraftConf and the dates collide.
@TonyBologni What's the topic of your talk?
@einarwh Currently just an idea, following the theme they have this year „connecting the dots“.
Yet another talk about ES, CQRS, and EDA … how they are orthogonal, how they play together, etc.
High level, nothing brand new, but it seems it needs to be repeated 1000 times.
And I can bash Kafka once again.
I might just steal everything from Oscar.
@einarwh Should be Oskar
@einarwh Sad for me, but enjoy CraftConf! I guess we’ll eventually talk a bit here or there. Last DDDEU I had trouble with my shoulder and left early.
@TonyBologni Yes, last year at DDD Europe was cut short for me as well. Hope we'll have the opportunity to chat some day.
@TonyBologni me! I love Øredev.
@TonyBologni I’ve been a speaker at Oredev a few times. Great conference, well organised and good fun. I recommend!