I wish I could've experienced 90s European rave culture. I'd have been the guy covered in glow-in-the-dark paint and wearing shitty white guy dreadlocks down to my knees, handing out burned #Slackware CD-ROMs with a complimentary sheet of acid in the jewel case for free after the show.
Wait.... raves are not still a thing? I know I haven't seen a flyer under my windshield wiper in a very long time, but I assumed that was because ravers didn't frequent the pharmacy, daycare, and the DMV parking lots.
@Lerk lol, I'm sure raves are still just as common if not moreso. I just like the vibe of 90s rave culture more since less people were recording on their phones and were just living in the moment :3
Sounds like an excuse to wear a mask made out of candy jewelry and glow strings :)