The Spy War: How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/25/world/europe/the-spy-war-how-the-cia-secretly-helps-ukraine-fight-putin.html
@WarnerCrocker I wish the CIA would take Putin out!!
@WarnerCrocker If it’s being reported by MSM, it isn’t secret.
@AnOldGuy True. As far as it goes. But WHEN reported in MSM there’s a motive.
@WarnerCrocker Unfortunately there’s a pay wall.
@Huntn00 Sorry about that. You do know there are quite a few ways around that.
@WarnerCrocker True… sometimes I’m lazy.
@petpet If you are using the Safari browser on a Mac there is reader mode, an icon aA near/in the address bar that if selected will reveal the contents of a blocked paywall article. Research would be required to see what other browsers have this, and if it works that way for them. I just discovered it for the iPhone, and it works. For example: