Sound and Fury with Apple TV Enhance Dialogue
Apple TV's Enhance Dialogue works well until it doesn't.
#Apple #AppleTV #EnhanceDialogue #Disclaimer
@WarnerCrocker my bet even with tweaking out dialog with modern techniques like neural engines and such, that there are still some films that would give it a hard time.
Have you tried it with any Christopher Nolan films, which have quite a bad reputation for bearable dialog?
@Chancerubbage I have not. I may be wrong on this, but I think it only works on Apple TV+ content in the OS version I have and will work with other content in a future release.
@WarnerCrocker I have a confession to make- I have watched more Hollywood films via Apple TV+ that their original content. Perhaps it doesn’t do a thing with outside films, although one might hope it would. Some clarifying techniques depend on certain habits of sound design anyway.
Of course even with surround channels I think most directors could make dialog clear if they wanted to, wherever their film is watched.
@Chancerubbage As to your last point, yes they could. My view is that is actually their job.
@WarnerCrocker Sometimes the storytelling may intentionally hang on the lack of clarity or ambiguity, as if it were something like Coppola’s The Conversation, but otherwise, maybe don’t make the audience work too much.
I have friends who leave a film thinking actions supported and inferred by dialog didn’t happen because they didn’t see it on screen. I haven’t point out that logically that indeed did happen in the story, as the characters clearly and truthfully referenced it.