Watching the Immersive Metallica concert got me thinking about how much affection is born out of depth. How the pieces of media I have the most affection for are those which I’ve had the opportunity to really dive deeply into.
I think about the LOTR trilogy DVD extras, which probably exceed the runtime of the movies. Watching them is what built my affection. Why doesn't this concert have an “extra" of fixed views you can watch through uncut, it is hard to build affection without any depth.
@_Davidsmith the lotr extras were masterclasses in all aspect of moviemaking, fully utilising the dvd medium. I loved the foley sound work using separate audio channels.
@_Davidsmith I would pay so much for all the uncut immersive content they have. (Particularly the Super Bowl footage. The edited version is 4 minutes, but I want everything, I don't care how unpolished.)
@_Davidsmith Agreed! As it’s the first of this type of immersive “large scale” concert video on Vision Pro, I really hope extra angles and longer takes will be coming. As I said in my “review,” I just want to sit next to Lars (or the drummer of any band) the entire gig
@_Davidsmith Oh man, that really resonates for me. Those LotR extras absolutely made me love those movies even more.
I was a big DVD commentary guy in the 2000s and a great commentary track could totally elevate my appreciation of the movie as well.