#WritingWonders What's the education system like in your world?
My novel is (mostly) set in present-day UK, so quite bad.
@amgerbil having popped into a primary school on Friday for a hour to tell a couple of classes about the #lifeboats and found it a very positive experience with good involvement with the children, I’d say not too bad, but a very small sample. The hassles experience by my 11yo grandson and first year in secondary school kinda supports your view, which I find very sad
@amgerbil My day job involves, on some days, moderating the output of a large amount of kids and teenagers. (Mostly because their parents can't be bothered with parental settings.) Particular gems have included, "go back to school, peseint", someone being reported for 'hecking.' Hacking? Heckling? I have no idea. Also "it's wheird," "Get You're spelling sorted," "Your an idiot" and one of my favourites, "Im smater than u."
I'd love to have several words with all these (separate) kids' teachers.