The fosstodon moderators seem to not exist... To the point I might block the whole domain.
@amszmidt sometimes we must moderate people out of our lives, not because they're breaking rules but because we don't want to interact with them.
You're clearly very salty about the stallman thing still. I guess blocking people really doesn't solve the inner issue, does it?
I hope you you read the stallman report and stop defending someone as if they were an incorruptible god. Stating someone, anyone, "never did anything wrong" is such a childish thing to say.
Looking forward to the plonk :)
@diegovsky It is fascinating to call me salty, when you have people in this thread threatening, calling me names, and what not .. I read the toilet paper, it grossly misrepresents a bunch of out of context quotes. I asked for what exactly was so egregious that has been done .. and still nothing.
@amszmidt I'm sorry but if all you can say is that you don't recognize a very thorough piece of evidence detailing most of RMS's most vile acts while calling it "a piece of toilet paper", then you're just being ignorant.
I think the name calling is completely justified considering your attitude towards a report of vie stuff RMS is to just say you don't like it.
C'mon at least put up some arguments about why you think it's bad. Because it really makes you seem like a child
@diegovsky "VILE ACTS" -- still not stating what they are. I don't think name calling is _ever_ justified, it is just bullying. I have no reason to put up any arguments to anything, seeing that you've not specified anything that has been done that is "VILE ACTS", and instead go for ad hominem.
@amszmidt if you hadn't blocked those people, maybe you could have heard their points.
Look, you don't HAVE to provide any arguments, not even keep engaging me.
But if you don't provide arguments for your points, then what was the point of even engaging?
What's the point of showing up to a discussion telling everyone they're wrong and you know the truth yet abstain from justifying said truth?
I was interested in what you had to say but you have nothing to say
@diegovsky Their points are that of bullies, they are not actually interested in talking or understanding someone. _I_ do not have to provide arguments for points that are essentially "I don't like you".
And once yet another bully who cannot even state what they are angry about.
I've gotten multiple threats over the course of this thread yet you are defending them ... and attacking someone who cannot defend themselves.