I wonder, does GNU/FSF/rms have an opinion on the Unsplash license?
@anselmschueler Most probably it is a non-free image license, since it prohibits selling and competition.
"What is not permitted
Images cannot be sold without significant modification.
Compiling images from Unsplash to replicate a similar or competing service."
@amszmidt Yes, it is clearly an unfree license. However they have expressed that they don't see an obligation for images and creative works to be freely licensed.
@anselmschueler Hm? The GNU project and the FSF clearly do see an obligation for that.
@amszmidt I seem to remember otherwise
@anselmschueler Maybe you are confusing that everything has to be under a free _software_ license?
@amszmidt Here's quotes from GNU and rms stating this
@anselmschueler "Non-free" in that context means "non-free software licenses"; I've poked the webmasters to update the text.