#CSS subgrid help?
Live test https://codepen.io/thebabydino/pen/raNedoQ?editors=0100 with problem: want the same fixed height for description on all card rows
repeat(3, auto) different heights for cards on different lines
repeat(6, auto auto 3lh) unwanted space below cards widescreen
auto-fit instead of 6 won't work
@anatudor repeat(3, auto auto 1fr) ?
PS: you disabled the reply on bluesky.
@css Nope.
I don't want them to stretch to the max content of the widest, but to collapse to a fixed height, let's say 3lh (not quite, but whatever, not that important).
Also, the 3 repetition fails if the cards aren't on 2 columns. If more columns fit, then there's space at the bottom (like in my second case). If only one column fits then the last 3 cards have a description height equal to the paragraph height.
And thanks for the heads-up.
@anatudor Instead of a fixed number of rows, you can use `grid-auto-rows` in the same way :)
Here's a fork that I think does what you're after: https://codepen.io/kevinpowell/pen/dPyMKyV?editors=0100
@kevinpowell TIL.
Never used `grid-auto-rows` before. Because I could never understand what it does.
Any idea if I could make the .card elements overflow their grid-area? I can make the p overflow (https://codepen.io/thebabydino/pen/raNedoQ?editors=0100) and it just might be enough for what I want, but I'm curious if I could make the .card overflow too.
@anatudor hmm, that's a good question
I don't think so. I'm not 100% sure, but I think with them being grid items, things like max-content are limited to the size of the cell(s).