Hi, mastodon I have a new article out!
A Deep Dive into the Inline Background Overlap Problem: https://frontendmasters.com/blog/overlapping-inline-backgrounds/
How do you get the below result (semi-transparent background on inline span) with large padding & no overlap?
Answer in article, but think a bit about it first.
If we have an inline `span` inside a `p` & we give it a semi-transparent `background` + a `padding`, we get an alpha increase where backgrounds of adjacent lines overlap.
How would you solve this problem without text duplication, without stacking 2 identical `p` elements, one for background (opaque background + transparent text + opacity) and one for text (transparent background)?
@anatudor I’m a dumbass so I’d probably artificially inflate line-height
@mosen The overlap is desired, but not the increase in alpha.
@anatudor I’m happy to learn that’s why I follow you hehe