@andrewbriscoe sure looks like a redwood, how’d it get to the WA side of the Gorge? Assuming someone planted it.
@GPJohnston That I’m not sure, I was following some beta toward what was described as “cedar groves.” There were several redwoods near a creek that wouldn’t have been easy to cross. I plan to go back in the fall to explore more. I found this sign in the area that mentions old growth forests.
@andrewbriscoe Interesting.
@GPJohnston @andrewbriscoe pretty sure that's western red cedar
@sarae @GPJohnston It could be, that was my other guess.
@sarae @GPJohnston Was trying to figure out how to identify. I first thought cedar but the Photos app kept saying redwood for all of my photos. Do you know how I determine it?
@andrewbriscoe @GPJohnston well, in this case you ask me
the...they're not leaves, but the photosynthesizing stuff at the ends of the branches is different
I've got both in my yard here, I'll send you pictures sometime when it's not dark
@sarae @GPJohnston Haha fair! I wasn’t sure exactly what you did for a living but makes sense. Wow, having both in your yard is so cool! Previously I had to go to the arboretum to see and hug them.
@andrewbriscoe @GPJohnston I am not actually a forester by training! I have just spent a lot of time in the company of foresters
so much so that I am mostly indistinguishable from a forester, but I do not have an actual degree in the subject
@andrewbriscoe @sarae well, it’s entirely out of redwood country, I’d go with what the forester says.
@andrewbriscoe Auspberger mountain! I'm just going to keep guessing that until it's right
@PizzaDemon This was between Greenleaf Peak and Table Mountain, on the plateau.
@andrewbriscoe So close! I'm just one Stevenson and one Carson off.
@andrewbriscoe that is indeed, a very thick trunk! haha damn!
@geoff_eg I saw a vague reference to cedar groves when researching climbing one of the mountains nearby. I wasn’t really expecting much but all of a sudden I was surrounded by these trees.! This was down an abandoned forest road in the middle of nowhere.
@andrewbriscoe my dream tree
@andrewbriscoe is that a Western Red cedar ? Beautiful tree, nice capture of the size.
@cdejong Thank you! Yup, turns out it is a Western Red Cedar.
@andrewbriscoe Love that vantage point--never gets old (though I'm sure the tree certainly is!)
@andrewbriscoe Went to the Redwood Forest-or whatever it 's called in 1976. I've been an environmentalist since --forever--saw the redwoods with my siblings and folks. It would've been nice to have had --an enhanced appreciation
@patcanfield I would like to go someday. Was near there in my early 20s but my friend and I turned back before making it to the park.