The internet needs a standard for setting up one-time verification codes. Apple should draft one.
SMS codes are effortless, but less secure.
One-time verification codes offer a more secure alternative, but require a password manager — and an initial handoff that lacks an internet standard.
Try this demo of an ideal handoff and verification codes in general:
Apple and Google have similar recommendations for this handoff, but one difference can improve the user experience (or it hold back) by allowing a password manager to suggest the right account (or none at all) to add a verification code to.
QR codes are most common way to set up a verification code today. Users are often prompted to scan one with an “authenticator app.” These QR codes are just an encoded URL like this example:
The first part of the handoff is the otpauth scheme:
Google and Microsoft are mentioned, but the scheme is not limited to any one password manager. Apple supported it for years and now officially: (timecode 7:51)
The second part is the otpauth specification, which is perhaps an industry standard but not an Internet Standard.
Apple and Google are aligned but offer different recommendations on how to identify the issuer of a verification code.
Google recommends using both the “issuer label prefix” and “issuer parameter” — and that they should be equal. (November 2018)
Apple suggests using a domain name for the “issuer parameter” and a proper name for the “issuer label prefix” — which somewhat conflicts with Google. (June 2021)
A password manager can ideally suggest the right account(s) at the right time. This saves time but also avoids the user attaching verification codes to the wrong account. The most direct way to identify those accounts is to match a domain name.
1. Not every browser or platform shares the domain name or other heuristics during a handoff on the same device.
2. QR codes in particular need the domain name included in the URL (and encoded in the image) for handoff.
Always include a domain name!
Goggle’s format is not the industry standard and Apple’s version was never identical, so an update alone to Apple Developer would help.
But if Apple wants more developers to adopt one-time verification codes, otpauth needs a draft internet standard.