There's a solution here but I'm not sure I want to do this. Guess I'll sacrifice the Intel MBP. It's kinda against the point that one needs to have the same OS major version as host to install a guest OS… #macdev #wwdc24 #wwdc
@arroz I had to download Xcode 16 beta to the 14.5 host, and run it at least once there, so that it does its first-run install of "device support" bits for macOS (no need to let it download iOS or any other simulators). Then, the spin-up of the Sequoia VM worked fine.
Not sure if that’s what the useless “software update required” flow is trying to do (via the Xcode CLI tools?), but the above seems to avoid it, at least for me.
@arroz is one able to log into iCloud in the guest OS on Apple Silicon now?
@JetForMe I think so but I’ve heard you need Sequoia both as host and guest. I haven’t tested yet.
@arroz I’d try installing with a Sonoma ipsw and then updating the VM.