Due to AI fakes, the “deep doubt” era is here
As AI deepfakes sow doubt in legitimate media, anyone can claim something didn't happen.
Just as we knew it would happen.
I wish this came after my lifetime, but Pandora's box is opened. Humans are the worst.
@arstechnica, the era started with the internet. If people now see it in AI, it is a different story, but it always has been there
@epistomai @arstechnica
The era of misinformation started much before Internet - with TV, radio, even newspapers... And even before tech, with gossip... What differs in AI-infested era, is that *anyone* can produce *huge* amounts of very real-looking fakes for almost *no cost*. IOW, where before you had to fight occasional disinformation from few actors, in the brave new world you'll soon have to swim through a ton of convincing fakes before encountering single piece of truth. Unfindable
I'm watching a British TV series called THE CAPTURE that deals with exactly that theme. Very scary. It's on Amazon Prime.