This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Someone asks #ChatGPT to rewrite a simple statement (sitting outdoors enjoying a bagel) in a way that cannot possibly cause any offense to anyone.
@augieray Very 'focus group committee speak'...excellent!
@augieray It does exclude people with albinism though.... :)
It omitted promising to recycle the packaging the bagel and cream cheese came in
We're doomed.
@augieray Tee Hee, says a lot about the crazy world we now inhabit!
That innocent bagel experience is now dripping with fear.
@augieray "In the spirit of celebrating diverse perspectives" => Just in the first seven words, it's already offended Republicans.
@Christo98 @augieray when you’re a hammer…
Oh sorry, this was just a personal way of expressing joy upon reading this, as in my view this could be considered funny, but I do understand that such humor will most probably not be universal and I apologize for this
It's not funny to think about how other people, less privileged experience your output social media? I don't understand the joke.
@augieray cue angry responses about wokeness
@augieray George Orwell is offended
@augieray Monthy Python couldn't have done it better...
@augieray It will be even harder when the aliens show up!