Welcome! I hope you will like it here and find lots of people you enjoy!
There certainly are many lovers and authors around so you should be able to build up a lovely community
P. S.
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@ayejax_books Not sure I can help, though I have a fondness for fantasy novels. Welcome to Mastodon. Since I have a vision problem, print size is important to me. Have found a few books I just could not get into, because of word salad. One was highly recommended, I found it at the library and cannot continue with it. Good luck here on Mastodon.
@ayejax_books Welcome to the Fediverse! What kinds of books are you into?
@SvensKia I try to read a bit of everything but fantasy, romance, YA and contemporary is what I lean towards. But I do love a good memoir or psychology reads
That's a great mix! Any favorite books or authors in those genres?
@SvensKia a recent romance one I read that I loved is called Rare Blend by Michelle Naomi Mosley. She’s a Mexican American indie author and I just loved the storyline. I also loved Simu’s we were dreamers memoir
@ayejax_books Thanks for the recommendations! By the way, have you heard of BookWyrm? It's a decentralized alternative to Goodreads
@SvensKia @ayejax_books nice! thanks
@ayejax_books Welcome aboard, Mastodon is the best platform available... Don't be shy about asking people to boost you... Follow everyone and you will build your community fast...
@ayejax_books @almostallthecake Hello from a fellow book lover!
@ayejax_books I am a librarian and couldn't love books more!! WELCOME!
@ayejax_books Hello. I run a book blog (www.pussreboots.com) and crosspost my 5 star reviews here. What genres / authors / etc ? do you enjoy?
@ayejax_books I too am new to this space. Would love to connect. I read all kinds of books but lean towards science fiction, fantasy and historical fiction. Currently reading A Tree Grows In Brooklyn.
@cassfisheye @ayejax_books Yes!!! Such a great timeless classic!
@LAR1980 @ayejax_books so beautiful and so simple, but also incredibly complex at the same time. I’m enjoying it so much.
@cassfisheye @ayejax_books We read it last summer in my book club. Most of the ladies are retired and had read it over 50 years ago and loved it again!
@ayejax_books I love books! They smell great.
@ayejax_books What sort of books do you like? I'm on a major folklore and classic kick (like most of the books here: https://imgur.com/a/books-AFUr1MJ) and I'm also a fan of games of all sorts, currently working (slowly and painfully) through some books on Chinese folk games for purposes of translation.
I'm an avid reader but now favor detective stories.
@ayejax_books Don't forget to hop on bookwyrm.social. It's like Goodreads, but federated.