Wired says #Bluesky is the space for “the Internet elite”.
So what they’re saying is that #Bluesky is for status seekers and clout chasers.
You know, the spot for media gatekeepers to pad their articles with social media posts that say something to the effect of, “This!” and “This!” and “You, sir, just won the Internet!”
I don’t want journalism to be taken over by AI, but the task of compiling tweets for reactionary takes on whatever scandal could totally be done with AI—and that would be a big improvement.
@atomicpoet I think the issue there is that the definition of journalism has become a broad, and almost meaningless title, self-selected by social media 'commentators' and handed out to interns...
Took me years to be formally titled as a 'reporter' on a publication, and reactionary takes required interviewing experts etc, rather than embedding tweets