Our play-in games are complete and votes are tallied across all our social media platforms.
The field is set.
Stay with us all day long as we announce the entire 64-anime tournament for AniMarch Madness!
We'll be dropping matches throughout the day including series and seeding until we've announced all 32 for the first round!
Then make sure to stay tuned for Monday when the first round of polls go live!
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime
Here are four match-ups and their seedings:
Emerging Anime Region
(1) Spy x Family vs. (16) Ya Boy Kongming
(5) Cyberpunk: Edgerunners vs. (12) 86 -Eighty-six-
Classics Anime Region
(6) Dragon Ball Z vs. (11) Dragon Ball
(2) Naruto Shippuden vs. (15) Naruto
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #Naruto #DragonBall #DBZ #DragonBallZ #スパイファミリー #SPY_FAMILY #SPYxFAMILY #パリピ孔明 #Edgerunners #エイティシックス #eightysix
Here are four more match-ups and their seedings:
Action / Sci-Fi / Horror Anime Region
(3) My Hero Academia vs. (14) Bungo Stray Dogs
(7) That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime vs. (10) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Romance / Comedy / Sports Anime Region
(8) Haikyuu vs. (9) Chihayafuru
(4) Toradora vs. (13) Oregairu
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #Toradora #Oregairu #Haikyu #Chihayafuru #JJBA #BNHA #MHA #heroaca_a #ヒロアカ #MyHeroAcademia #jojo_anime #bungosd #転スラ #tensura
Here are four more match-ups and their seedings:
Emerging Anime Region
(6) Horimiya vs. (11) Bocchi the Rock
(2) Chainsaw Man vs. (15) Blue Lock
Classics Anime Region
(3) One Piece v. (14) Evangelion
(7) Bleach vs. (10) InuYasha
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #Bleach #InuYasha #Evangelion #NGE #OnePiece #チェンソーマン #chainsawman #ブルーロック #BLUELOCK #Horimiya #ぼっち・ざ・ろっく #BOCCHITHEROCK #BTR
Here are four more match-ups and their seedings:
Action / Sci-Fi / Horror Anime Region
(8) Re:Zero vs. (9) Made in Abyss
(4) Jujutsu Kaisen vs. (13) One Punch Man
Romance / Comedy / Sports Anime Region
(1) Violet Evergarden* vs. (16) Azumanga Daioh
(5) Your Lie in April vs. (12) March Comes in Like a Lion
* This series won in 2022!
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #VioletEvergarden #YourLieInApril #AzumangaDaioh #3月のライオン #MarchComesInLikeALion #JJK #JujutsuKaisen #ReZero #MadeInAbyss
Here are four more match-ups and their seedings:
Emerging Anime Region
(3) Komi Can't Communicate vs. (14) Call of the Night
(7) Lycoris Recoil vs. (10) Tokyo Revengers
Classics Anime Region
(8) Mob Psycho 100 vs. (9) Code Geass
(4) Cowboy Bebop vs. (13) Trigun (original)
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #MP100 #CallOfTheNight #LycorisRecoil #TokyoRevengers #CodeGeass #CowboyBebop #Trign #MobPsycho100
Here are four even more match-ups and their seedings:
Action / Sci-Fi / Horror Anime Region
(1) Attack on Titan vs. (16) Death Note
(5) Mushoku Tensei vs. (12) ERASED
(6) Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai vs. (11) The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
(2) Fruits Basket (2019) vs. (15) Tonikawa
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #AttackOnTitan #DeathNote #Erased #Tonikawa #青ブタ #RascalDoesNotDream #フルーツバスケット #フルバ #FruitsBasket #furuba #fruba #無職転生 #mushokutensei #HaruhiSuzumiya
And now here are four more match-ups and their seedings:
Emerging Anime Region
(8) Summer Time Rendering vs. (9) Vinland Saga
(4) My Dressup Darling vs. (13) Laid-Back Camp
Classics Anime Region
(1) Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood vs. (16) Fist of the North Star
(5) Steins;gate vs. (12) Astro Boy
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #SteinsGate #FullmetalAlchemist #FistOfTheNorthStar #AstroBoy #着せ恋 #MyDressUpDarling #VINLAND_SAGA #サマータイムレンダ #ゆるキャン #yurucamp
Here are the last 4 match-ups & their seedings:
Action / Sci-Fi / Horror Anime Region
(6) The Rising of the Shield Hero vs. (11) Sword Art Online
(2) Demon Slayer vs. (15) Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works
Romance / Comedy / Sports Anime Region
(3) Kaguya-sama: Love is War vs. (14) The Quintessential Quintuplets
(7) Sailor Moon vs. (10) Yona of the Dawn
Tags: #AniMarchMadness #Anime #DemonSlayer #SAO #SwordArtOnline #FateStay #SailorMoon #YonaOfTheDawn #TheQuintessentialQuintuplets
The full #AniMarchMadness bracket will be online on our website soon. Make sure to check back here, our site, and across all our social media accounts on Monday as voting begins for the first Round of AniMarch Madness!
Thanks for following along.