@benpate can you provide a link to Emissary?
@AndySylvester - Thanks for taking a look! Here's the GitHub. https://github.com/EmissarySocial/emissary - it's still pretty raw, and I still need to write up some installation instructions. But I'd be happy to walk you through if you're interested :)
@benpate thanks! I will take a look at the repo today.
@AndySylvester *frantically checks in clean code and comments*
@benpate I looked at your repo this afternoon, I would still like to "give it a try" if you are willing to write up some install instructions, then I could give some feedback on the install. Let me know!
@AndySylvester - Hi Andy, thanks so much! I've put together a Quickstart guide at https://emissary.dev/quickstart. Like the rest of the software, it's still a little rough, so I appreciate your bravery in taking a look. There's plenty of usability left to do.
If you have Go 1.19, MongoDB, and a SMTP server, you should be able to install and run the core app.
Right now, I'm pleased with the RSS and WebSub support. Webmentions are nearly there, and I'm working hard to stand up ActivityPub support.
@benpate thanks for the pointer, I will give it a try today, looks like I should be able to install it on my laptop for an initial test, is that correct?
@AndySylvester - Yes, it’s a pretty simple install. It should run straight from the directory you pull from Git.
@AndySylvester - first time, enter `go run server.go —setup` in your terminal to configure the domain (probably localhost for testing). Yo only need a MongoDB connection string and a SMTP server.
@AndySylvester - after that, just use `go run server.go` to run the actual CMS. There’s way more details on emissary.social, but I’m happy to answer questions here, if any come up
@benpate I tried the install today, had some problems, copied my debug log to this blog post, take a look and let me know if there are other steps I can take, thanks. https://andysylvester.com/2023/01/21/emissary-install-problems/
@AndySylvester Hey Andy, thanks for giving it a go.sorry you had so much trouble getting things running on Windows. It’s definitely the CGo module required to process graphics. I had a similar struggle on Windows, but got it working eventually. I’ll try to retrace my steps and give you some better guidance for windows.
@AndySylvester - I'll try to write up something easier to follow soon, but the gist is that you need to use MinGW (https://www.mingw-w64.org) to get Go + CGo working on Windows.
I fought adding another piece of software to the mix, but that is the only way that anyone had recommended.
Here's a much better tutorial than I could ever write (and I think the map that I followed when I stood up an instance on Amazon AWS) - https://medium.com/@maximgradan/how-to-easily-bundle-your-cgo-application-for-windows-8515d2b19f1e
@benpate thanks for the pointer, I will give it a try this weekend!