"My government will keep our #tariffs on until the #Americans shows us respect"
@benroyce Well done to the Canadians for standing up to the Trump administration
It's just a pity they've chosen an economically unsound approach: instead of rejecting Trump *and the idea of trade wars altogether*, they're implicitly accepting the same economic premises as Trump and punishing their own citizens with further tariffs.
The correct to the US would be to go to zero tariffs, and let their own people benefit from international trade while US citizens suffer.
you're proposing that canadian businesses be punished and american businesses not be punished
@benroyce I think you're only looking at the first-order effects ... that is, who pays the tariffs initially.
Ultimately, when a country applies tariffs, the citizens of *that country* pay, in some combination of higher cost of living and unavailable goods.
There's a good (and unsurprisingly timely!) writeup here:
The idea that trade is a zero-sum game that can and should be weaponized with tariffs is *precisely* the Trumpian thinking on economics that we should be rejecting.
i understand the importing business pays the tariffs
and they pass that onto consumers
and so everyone is hurt by it: canadian business, canadian employees, american business, american consumers
so the proper move is reciprocal action
and i understand canadian tariffs work the same way in mirror of the american ones
but no sane govt is going to have stupid tariffs placed on them and not fight back in kind
what you're suggesting is absolutely never going to happen
additionally i'm famliar with mises
it's radioactive dog shit
it is astroturfed lies by plutocrat agendas for "libertarian" morons who support their own impoverishment because they don't understand how the plutocrats profit at their loss with half-baked economic sophistry
do yourself a favor and never visit mises again
it is lies and stupidity in support of "libertarian" MAGA bullshit
@benroyce Okay, let's take a hypothetical example, looking at the extremes to illuminate the more common cases.
Let's say there are no tariffs, anywhere, on anything. Genuinely free trade. You can buy or sell internationally with no added costs beyond shipping.
Then the US applies 20% tariffs to all imports into the US.
Would it be rational for the rest of the world's countries to apply a 20% tariff to *their* imports from the US?
you linked to mises
i am very aware of mises
mises is libertarian ignorance in support of plutocrat agendas
it is absolute stupidity, lies, and bullshit that only serves plutocracy for gullible fools who don't understand economics
never come at me with that ignorant horseshit from that lying site again
do yourself a favor and lose the link to mises
it is rat poison
please read and understand what mises represents in this world:
You don't pay the tariffs if you don't buy the goods. That's what the Canadians are doing. They are rejecting US goods.
@benroyce Awesome. Only standing up to a bully and punching them in the face when needed, works.
Too bad we don't have enough elected officials here with this kind of resolve.