"This Is How #Tesla Will Die
The vultures are circling the #tech giant"
I have many words to say on this topic that express my level of concern here
They are:
So do you think "Dune III" will be as good as "Dune II"?
Does anyone live on Clipperton Island off Mexico?
Isn't the Tibetan fox the cutest thing ever?
I hope that I have adequately communicated to you my level of investment in this deeply deeply important news that Tesla is dying
Fuck you #Musk
@benroyce don't be so dismissive, I find it heartwarming.
@benroyce I cannot agree with you: the Tibetan fox looks too blasé to qualify as cute.
Now, the Japanese squirrels is a real strong contender to the title of "cutest thing ever".
@benroyce @aSweetGentleman And yet neither one of you has presented photographic evidence for the rest of us to consider?
@benroyce @aSweetGentleman cute, yes, but why does it look like it's about to lecture me on stock portfolios?
@benroyce @VampiresAndRobots Ok, I raise you with my Japanese squirrel.
At least he's not judging you.
@aSweetGentleman @benroyce okay, I'm sorry Ben, but we have a winner. It's the eyes. The paws say scheming little villain, but the darn thing has anime eyes.