Jim Crow is the real American Fascism.
there is no fascism without racism.
that's why we say, USA has never been antifascist.
as long as those who think they are white gods get to manufacture consent around their delusions, the hegemonic american culture will forever remain fascist.
to defeat fascism, you will have to destroy whiteness.
“New Texas Law Prohibiting Institutions of Higher Education From Establishing or Maintaining DEI Offices Is Now Effective
@blogdiva defeating whiteness -should- be easy. we don't even like it, it feels empty, like the absence of belonging to anything real (other than the priviledges it affords, obviously -- but that doesnt really make up for what it takes away imo)
this will ultimately result, me thinks, in smaller Texas University & College student populations. Yes, I am a white Texan, but not a stupid one. I yield back my time.
@BillMcGuire @blogdiva And not just Texas. Many states. Here's Wisconsin:
"Assembly Speaker Robin Vos (R)...at one point vowed not to give the [Univ. of Wisconsin] another “nickel” until they eliminated DEI.
...Vos and univ officials announced a deal earlier this month to freeze the number of positions devoted to DEI and repurpose some of the existing staff members for now.
In exchange, legislators agreed to move forward with the pay raises and other policy items..."