after #abolition many Black people who had nowhere to go, were charged rents by their former plantation owners if they didn't leave. if they didn't pay, they were either re-enslaved thru prison OR indentured into financial servitude.
when the numbers of indentured Black servants weren't enough, that's when poor migrant workers became key to this new form of renter slavery.
this is what GOP fascists want to bring back with #prisons & #farms
@blogdiva This is horrific. I’m actually stunned—and I had a very low opinion of Florida’s “justice” system to begin with.
This is outrageous—and terrifying.
@blogdiva prison system is already mostly like this...
@blogdiva this is obscene. The whole concept is bad, but the billing for time not served HAS to be illegal. The sentence was incarceration, not a fine. State is piling on. ACLU should be fighting this.
@blogdiva Hah, in the late 90s i was fascinated by america and dreamed about visiting and even moving there... but after 9/11 somehow, year after year it seems that ever more fecal matter moves through the atmospheric accelerator and now i am glad to keep staying in good old germany.
At least we are a bit slower on our journey to dystopia...
@blogdiva My God. I thought there were limits to human stupidity and cruelty...But sometimes I have doubts. Is it really true "most" states do this?
@rwalker1501 am assuming republican controlled ones. it's not done in NY.
@blogdiva And not done anywhere outside the US as far as I know...
@blogdiva this is insane. It’s hard enough for people to even get jobs after imprisonment. It’s like they are encouraging them to repeat offend instead of rehabilitate.
@blogdiva 3rd World Country
Gotta recoup the private prisons their financial quarter and pay for all that police overtime and all those fun GI JOE toys we give them, right?
And to think liberals and establishment Democrats were praising DeFascist for briefly opposing Trumpster...
@blogdiva every time I think I already know how prisons are used to turn people into livelong slaves, more shit pops up.
this is all class warfare of the highest order.
@blogdiva Dead right. It has always been about disposable labor force with no rights. The modern white christofascist movement has its roots in Alexander Vereide's Foundation, as Jeff Shartlet detailed in his book The Family.
The satanic scourge that these wealthy white men banded together to battle in sacred fellowship was... Wait for it... #WorkersRights to fair pay and safety protections.
I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Your exactly right, the GOP want slavery back in a big way.
The red states are continually 'adjusting' the laws to make this a reality.
We have to fight this until the end or else it will be the death of America.
@blogdiva Not a fan of Reason Magazine, but there's not really another side to this story. This is insane.