Happy Birthday (spiritual and inspirational) Tití Toni!
❝… that was it for me… and i was not a young writer… but once i had begun it, there was nothing more important to me, except to mother my children…❞
Toni Morrison interview on "Love" (2003)
❝ What are you without racism? ❞
Toni Morrison's powerful words on racism
❝ “you didn’t give me a raise like the others?… i don’t wanna hear about it”. am head of household, just like you.”
and so i got the raise. ❞
Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am | Official Trailer | American Masters | PBS
the clip everybody posts: aunty Toni describing the practice of racism as a compulsion and a neurosis that is not studied for what it is: a personality disorder.
Toni Morrison Takes White Supremacy To Task
i cannot believe two people whose books have been life altering to me, Toni Morrison and Frank McCourt, were on a forum moderated by Juan Williams.
here’s aunty Toni on the white gaze
and here’s the whole forum:
A Conversation Between Toni Morrison & Frank McCourt
have watched bits and pieces, so can’t wait to watch the whole thing.
ps: here’s Frank on the Angela’s Ashes backlash
and, ironically, Russia delivers.
if this Toni Morrison documentary won’t shake you to your core and radicalize you, i don’t know what will.
watch it all.
i came out inspired and with eyes blood red from all the laughing and crying.
Videos The Pieces I.Am -Toni Morrison - PBS | OK.RU - https://m.ok.ru/video/2280419887702