I've been noticing in my RSS reader that some of my feeds will randomly show all of their posts as if they're new. If seems they're all coming from @buttondown.
Anyone also seeing this issue? I'm wondering if the post IDs are periodically changing so my reader is pulling them all again. Or something like that?
@eladnarra I’ve seen it too, all from Buttondown.
@robb @eladnarra hmm. we kept the GUIDs the same but I suspect this might be due to the TLD switch. Is it happening multiple times or just once?
@buttondown @eladnarra Just once per newsletter as far as I’ve noticed
@buttondown @robb It seemed like it was happening multiple times over several days (based on how often I was marking them as read) but I'm not seeing that when I go look at the timeline. I guess I'll see if it happens again in the next few days?
@eladnarra @robb Please let me know! (And what reader are you using?)
@buttondown FreshRSS! And will do~
@buttondown It seems to have happened again for one of the feeds. I guess it could be my reader, since this is what it looks like when I add a new feed, but it's new behavior for feeds I've been following for a while.
@eladnarra thank you! will poke around this today.
@buttondown Just following up because it happened again and I wanted to share an additional pic - still not sure if the issue is on my end or yours.
@eladnarra Hoo boy. And this is FreshRSS, right?
@buttondown Yup - but I'm not hosting it myself, so not sure of many details.