I keep trying this crap but getting M'lady vibes and then going back to refresh the birdsite.
Oh you're a mastodon fan? Name every instance.
You're not a real mastodon fan, you're just here to find a boyfriend.
Basically all the "enthusiastic adopter" spaces I've traveled in. The ones that say they're for everyone without talking to a user base that doesn't look like them. It's.... something.
Cue folks explaining my jokes back to me in 5...4....3...
My darlings, I am an Older Femme Nerd. There is literally nothing left that has not been mansplained to me.
@cbahlai literally, or figuratively? You see, the difference is...
@cbahlai I read this and it gave me an earworm from an 80s preppie band. “People are people” regardless of the platform, huh?