Get a list of all `x-callback-url` schemes supported on macOS with this command:
/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -dump URLSchemeBinding
Reader on macOS now supports the same `wiseread://` x-callback-url scheme URLs as the iOS app:
- `wiseread://new` (opens Inbox)
- `wiseread://later` (opens Later)
- `wiseread://shortlist` (opens Shortlist, if that workflow is used)
- `wiseread://archive` (opens Archive)
- `wiseread://search` (opens Search)
- `wiseread://read/{ID}` (opens document by ID)
I've updated my Readwise LaunchBar action to open URLs directly in the Reader app now:
@com wtf is this doing here...
search: Windows Search protocol (0x8d000) (0x8d002)
@blanxd WTF. I don't have that one. You can discover which apps provides it with:
find {~,}/Applications -type f -name "Info.plist" | while read pl; do plutil -convert json -o - "$pl" | jq -e 'any(.CFBundleURLTypes[]?.CFBundleURLSchemes[]; . == "search")' >/dev/null && echo "$pl"; done
(requires installing `jq` first).
Or, just YOLO it: `open search://` :)
@com yeah I already did :) Looks like if you install a win vm in VMware Fusion, it passes those things through to the host os. I didn't even remember I had been curious when the arm win10 alpha builds had 1st appeared, nice to discover I have another 20G free space now :)
@com vmw fusion creates like an .app for most win guest programs, which I guess can be somehow transparently run from the host while the vm is active, and that Windows has the "search" URLScheme there in it's Info.plist.
@blanxd Oh wow, that’s interesting.
@com 20 such schemes registered by that one win10 vm,