I just finished #reading #TheSouthernBookClubsGuideToSlayingVampires by #GradyHendrix. This is the first book in a long time that has kept me up reading WAY too late. In spite of having a kid at home sick and needing my care, I finished this book in less than 3 days.
On the story: while the bloodsucker in question is, indeed, horrifically awful, the character I most despised was the MC's husband.
Also, gonna have to keep a close watch on this book's place on my shelf, because 12yo wants to read it. (I made the mistake of reading Chapter 1 to her because it's hilarious.) I told her she needs to wait until she's 15. First, because there are themes she's not mature enough to process yet. Secondly, 2 or 3 scenes in this scared *me* -- and I've read so much horror over the years, it takes a LOT for a horror novel to freak me out like that.
If kiddo sneak-reads, we will *all* regret it.