I'm concerned about #email. Seems like if privacy is important to you, and you don't want to host it yourself, there are two options: #protonmail and #tutanota. Neither is perfect, especially if you're interested in voting with your wallet.
Proton's CEO has said some troubling things recently and over the years. Tuta is used by the United States' current first family, and Tuta's CEO seems thrilled about that.
I mean, if either delivers what they claim, your data should be safe regardless.
I just don't want to encourage these asshats.
And self-hosting email falls somewhere between a full-time job and a sisyphean task. I can't do that when email is an essential service. That's why I want to pay someone else to do it.
The irony is that I want someone who values my privacy and also wants to work towards a world where the average person isn't being surveilled in the first place. So they kind of have to want to put themselves out of a job.
In fact, that's basically what I want out of everyone. I want people to work towards a better world that no longer needs people working to better the world.
@crobbler have you considered mailbox.org or posteo.de? both seem good within the inherent limitations of email.
I've used mailbox.org for several years and haven't had any issues, though I'm not a security expert. I also had a posteo account for a while without problems.
If you want something more secure than regular email which is fundamentally open in transit then you either have to use an email+ provider like tuta that layers their own stuff on top, or do PGP yourself, or use something other than email, like signal.
I really wish there was a phone-independent version of signal.